Thursday, June 24, 2010
the circle of timeless regret

Monday, June 21, 2010
Memories that do not exist

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
the lost café

Mesmerized I gazed at the image before me, listening to these dreamy words, and I could feel the condensation from the frosty glass, running from my hand, past my wrist, down my arm, like a glistening vein of ice.
To my shock I felt tears, unexpected and unwanted, flowing from my eyes. Eyes that burnt as if touched by the rays of the glaring sun reflecting off the white sands alongside the smooth Mediterranean waters. Unblinking I stared, immersed in a sadness as endless as the ocean, that streamed round her body as she dove into welcoming azure arms that stroked, caressed and cooled.
And it felt like the fingers that plucked the notes from that soulful guitar were tweaking at the very core of my heart, touching deep corners carefully hidden away, lest they result in tears of regret, tears that flowed right now, for that, which never will be…
picture: http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=white%20beaches&order=9&offset=24#/du0lta
Sunday, June 6, 2010
the trickling sand

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dark and long,
bleak and frozen,
empty, barren and bare…
Feel, as it overwhelms,
sinks through the air,
to your skin and down to your soul.
Feel, as it drains from you
your will to move,
you’re absorbed in the landscape, white.
Feel, as your mind clears
and thoughts turn to wisps
of a mist that is snagged by the breeze.
Feel, as you merge
with this silence that is,
the time of rest is here…
picture: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2009/364/7/5/Into_the_White_by_meppol.jpg