Around me the world collapses in chaos
to the deafening shouts of an incensed crowd.
Windows shatter from heat and from stones,
and hands are raised in angry fists and sticks that beat the air.
The streets fill with rubble and sandstone turns black
as hungry flames greedily lick up the walls.
The faces around me contorted with rage,
angry mouths shouting unintelligible words,
and I run with the noise for a place unknown
through a blur of people emitting pure hatred.
I finally find shelter in an abandoned building,
away from the acrid smoke of blazing fires
that burns my eyes and nose, so thick it blinds out the sun,
creating an illusion of the onset of dusk in a burning, angry red.
And I hear the screams of pain from the wounded
‘til my mind shuts it out and my world becomes a muted movie.
I huddle, I wait, in shock, disbelief,
of this madness I’ve witnessed this day.
Before my eyes, the known’s been destroyed,
into anarchy all has descended…
‘til I find a strength that’s not my own
and slowly rise to my feet.
I step through a hole that once was a wall
and I stare at the devastation the moving masses left behind.
A silence descends more eerie than screams
over a wasteland of complete destruction.
My eyes dart around, which way do i go,
in this dusk that’s unsettled,
in a smoke thick as mist?
I head through the ruins,
through wreckage and rubble,
towards the coming darkness
of the night,
the only way to escape…
to the deafening shouts of an incensed crowd.
Windows shatter from heat and from stones,
and hands are raised in angry fists and sticks that beat the air.
The streets fill with rubble and sandstone turns black
as hungry flames greedily lick up the walls.
The faces around me contorted with rage,
angry mouths shouting unintelligible words,
and I run with the noise for a place unknown
through a blur of people emitting pure hatred.
I finally find shelter in an abandoned building,
away from the acrid smoke of blazing fires
that burns my eyes and nose, so thick it blinds out the sun,
creating an illusion of the onset of dusk in a burning, angry red.
And I hear the screams of pain from the wounded
‘til my mind shuts it out and my world becomes a muted movie.
I huddle, I wait, in shock, disbelief,
of this madness I’ve witnessed this day.
Before my eyes, the known’s been destroyed,
into anarchy all has descended…
‘til I find a strength that’s not my own
and slowly rise to my feet.
I step through a hole that once was a wall
and I stare at the devastation the moving masses left behind.
A silence descends more eerie than screams
over a wasteland of complete destruction.
My eyes dart around, which way do i go,
in this dusk that’s unsettled,
in a smoke thick as mist?
I head through the ruins,
through wreckage and rubble,
towards the coming darkness
of the night,
the only way to escape…