Friday, March 29, 2019


The wind blew cold the day I met
the stranger never I’d forget,
he called to me, I answered, though I didn’t know his name,
his voice was deep with richness,
spoke hard words with a tenderness
that made me lay down this here sword, it’s time to cease the fight.

He spoke of wonders he has touched,
of places dark but not as much
as the tears he sees are floating just behind the mask I wear,
his hand reached out and he took mine,
he said, “Don’t fight me, you can shine,
bound to this darkness you are not, let me show you treasures rare”.

The blood lay deep beneath my feet,
my demons hunger quite replete,
but I didn’t have the strength to fight this fight another day,
he held me through my anger,
to sins he is no stranger,
and he healed all parts of me that ached, then he turned and walked away.

I’ve lived those moments in my mind,
a dream it was, one very kind,
but he held my hand and touched my soul of that I’m very sure,
I hope he keeps on walking,
keeps taking people by the hand,
keeps touching all the lost souls who’re in dire need of care.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


In this dusk I wish to be the breeze
drifting through fragrant gardens,
past crickets and frogs, faeries and mushrooms,
through mossy ferns and pine tree trunks,
then dive off the cliff in a rush of air
towards the rocks and roiling currents
rising just before I touch the water
as the mist swirling in from the sea,

in this dusk I wish to be the sigh
escaping your lips when I sink into your arms,
a cool breath in your neck, are those goose bumps?
I shiver, the uncontrolled surrender to the night
and its needs racing over our skin, a searing heat,
forcing us to let go of this world
and relinquish our hold on sanity for a while.

picture source:

Friday, March 15, 2019

I need...

I need to let lose my hair and run wild in a place where no-one knows my name, I need to be alongside someone who stands strong and has the desire to run this path to the end with me, I want days to be nights, and nights to be a carousel of creating, discovering, learning, observing, the motion of the dark and the shadows, the rhythm of the waxing and waning moon, the energy of spirits and trees, I need to let out what is locked inside, has been for so very, very long……

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Sliver of a Moon

   Float with the wispy clouds dancing around the sliver of a moon hanging at just the right angle for your dreams to swing with reckless abandon through the night skies, and it’s okay to hide behind a dark cloud and sneak a secret kiss before you dart off, hand in hand, wild and free to explore the wonders of the darkness…..

picture source:

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Night of the Storm

It feels as if I’ve been hit by a cannon ball from all sides
my midriff is purple with bruises from within
my jaw aches from clenching, my nerves on edge
chest tight, I don’t get enough air
the waves are too big, too strong, I’ve lost all my strength
but I can’t bring myself to say you have won,
I must just decide what it will be I will be fighting for.

Sunday, March 3, 2019


Shadows move, steal through the consciousness like a snake in the wild wilderness, seeing hidden footsteps, picking up scents left a long, long time ago, probes deep in the underbrush of best forgotten cuts and wounds, both inflicted and borne, shadows seeking the scent of your sins.