Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Dream, my son, and dream big,
look beyond the boundaries of the impossible,
do not bow to the critique of dubious voices,
erase the lines drawn by previous generations,
don’t take today’s rules into tomorrow.

If you see it in your dreams you can create it in your waking world,
let instinct be your guide, let your heart be the judge,
write your book in the silence proffered by the midnight moon,
then step into freedom and let your life attest to the truth,
there’s more out there, another way, another life rewarding,
nothing endures forever, be a part of the wave growing all around you.


  1. Dreams are so important! such beautiful and motivating words <3

  2. Indeed look beyond the boundaries of impossible and think possibility.

  3. You are so right! I lived it.

  4. OK . . . I'm dreaming but will they come true? . . :)

  5. This is so much the track I advised myself to take when I was 16. Never a regret for walking out on my dreams.

  6. i should dream my savage heart consumes me, then consumes you...

  7. Wonderful. "Erase the lines drawn by previous generations..." Love it.
