Thursday, August 30, 2018

...a day, with my son

picture source:

The rain is steadily falling, a misty sheet from silver skies spreading as far as my eyes can see,
the ocean’s end blends with the clouds so close and low if I reach out I could touch the end of the world,
I am mesmerised by the tiny drops that have formed a glistening crown on your hair, lighting up your beautiful face,
and I am speechless with wonder of this gift that is you in my life.


  1. Children are a gift from above and we should always cherish this gift!

  2. What a lovely ode to your son, friend Shadow. Much love, cat.

    1. One post back I addressed my own son … did you see it? Love, cat.

  3. Gorgeous Shadow., to be able to capture that moment when our hearts squeeze so tight that it's hard to breathe.

  4. enjoy the gift of life which is your son

  5. Having a son of my own I can relate (even if he IS as ancuent as I am. lol)

    Ps...Linda's comment melts my heart.

  6. hello shadow its dennis the vizsla dog hay beeing owt at the beetch with wuns son or wuns mama is definitly a gud day!!! altho to be onnest i am not a fan of rain and wood probly rather stay in the car!!! ha ha ok bye

  7. This is utterly lovely Shadow!! A beautiful moment captured as only a poet could. i love this!!
