Sunday, January 31, 2010

red are the rivers

red are the rivers that flow through the land
broken by hatred, fed by the hand
with treacherous lies, calculated deceit
that draws out the fear, inducing defeat
while fuelling the flames of cold anger deep
grabbed by the hand in uproar they sweep
destroy in their path previous order and peace
as chaos evokes a destructive release
and trance-like they follow with contorted face
unable to turn back their steps and retrace
the means to avoid the shedding of blood
destruction is pouring, a relentless flood
to end when the tears of survivors are shed
the ignorant victims by powers misled


  1. Erie. I think when the end times comes where the waters will be turned to blood. Blessings to you dear!

  2. That pretty much sums all human violence and war up. One day, but probably never, I hope we see the earth does not need rivers of blood in order to live.

  3. This could be the theme of a psychological thriller. Very well done indeed.


  4. It does seem that the powers that be do not have the interest of humanity at heart. This was different, and I liked it very much.

  5. is there such a thing as too much truth? there is too much truth in this one, Shadow. were it not true.


  6. Politicians, raging hatred, war, lies.

  7. This too strong for a broken heart already... in advance ... but good one-of course my dear!

  8. Shadow, you have a remarkable way with words... wow! So powerful!

    By the way, I left a little gift for you on my blog whenever you have time to come by and visit.

    Sending warm hugs and wishes your way for a relaxing Sunday! xoxoxo

  9. I don't know why, but this poem reminds me of our Civil War.

    The picture is a perfect match to your topic.


  10. I really like this photo it looks like something I would have in my home. The blood reminds me of Reign of Blood by Slayer.

    That is the only blood story or song I could think of.

    I think of transfusions or donations so I picture a blood river transusion or blood river donation.

    Nice work thanks for sharing.

    Tom Bailey

  11. A perfect description of the senselessness of war and the pervasive evil that cultivates it.

  12. chaos evokes a destructive release. so true. beautifully written.

  13. Sad, and can all be said of life and of love. I love the it.

    surreal, shadow...

  14. It seems like with every new posting of yours, I can find something to relate to in it. I LOVE this picture btw.

  15. I've been watching the whole third season of The Tudors all weekend. This poem and the image are quite the match for it.

  16. "fed by the hand"

    So true. Beautiful. Chaotic. Anything else I can say?

  17. Shadow....

    speechless, something so powerful and true.

    and they wonder why we have trust issues...

    beautifully written

  18. wow honey , this intencity has been a machine gun on my brain now .

  19. WOW. From here, from this distance, what I read into this is trouble in your homeland. I am so sorry.

  20. Dear, dear, i just finished a painting of my river, which is an actual river, i painted it red. I have to think about your poem, to me it seems so dark. 'My river' does try to turn back on itself, mine is one tears, and i am surviving....
    thank you

  21. Shadow-it has been a few days, but worth the wait. That first line is puts it's arm around and warns so well. This one needs to saok in that we may find ourselves outside of such a power. Take care~rick

  22. snap! that was vivid and horribly beautiful.

  23. This is sadly true, in so many places and so many times ...

  24. That's a very powerful picture and your words do it justice Shadow.
    Blessings, Star

  25. this for me is a summary of racism.

    so well stated. powerful and evocative.

  26. This rings so true. It angers me that the few lead the many into the bath of blood. For what? Dirt? Oil? Ego? My God is better than yours? Positive energy produces. Negative energy destroys.

  27. Shadow, I liked this line:
    red are the rivers that flow through the land
    broken by hatred,

  28. You are such a good writter my friend, you transform your writting style according to the message you wannt to transmit and make us fill, which I consider is pretty dark in this post, but it is something that must be said.

  29. Wow, Shadow. This is one of your best ever. I'm just awestruck.

  30. Powerful dark true. I so appreciate your multi talented approach Shadow

  31. Expression her gift
    freeely she shares
    all who now read
    intrigued sometimes ensnared.

    You are a tremendous blessing.

  32. Ugh, that picture could put a fellow right off beer, it could. Grand poem, though.

  33. Wow, I could have used this poem on my blog post for today. This was really powerful!

  34. The river of blood is something I hope that I never see. I know that occurred during the US Civil War. I fear for the world and it's viability.

  35. first glance, i think this to be a repost of one of your previous red river writes, but ... i was wrong, no? sad. the thought of this one. makes one sad.

  36. Such powerful truth here. Hate is truly a red river that flows...our only choice is to pour as much love into as possible to dilute it into nothingness...just a forgotten rosy tint...well, we can try.

  37. I think I know that land.

  38. When I read this, I recall my divorce. Yikes.

  39. War breeds violence, some would say human nature does as well. May the tide turn before the waters do indeed turn crimson. (Hugs)Indigo

  40. "I wish that shadow was looming over me right now"
    -unknown myspace comment

  41. Savage and yet quite beautiful. I fancy I could hear the clash of battle whilst reading it ;-)

  42. Savage it is, and there is not relief for the damage we create.

  43. quite a true things bringing out prospective of all damage done by us only. Yeah, evry drop of blood shed by humans to fulfill deir never ending greeds.....
