Monday, July 19, 2010

Painting the past

Make peace with the past but retain it in sight, a reminder of where you have been. Paintings of yesterday do ease the way to choices with peace therein.



  1. Just as history is written by the victors, our past is written in our own terms. Honest and true reflection on our past is often sobering.

  2. Such wise words said so beautifully! Thank you very much. :)

  3. I think I need to paint some rainclouds today - my garden would like a drink!

  4. so true...

    but its not to say that there are times when I wish I could forget the past....

    but not the lesson

  5. "We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness. We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it." (Big Book)

    --Page 83 Alcoholics Anonymous

    This IS one of our "promises" in AA, after we have done a certain amount of work, working the Steps WITH A SPONSOR!

    Thing is: Don't drop the paint bucket--or fall off that ladder--grin!

    Hi, Shadow. It is SO good to see you here again. I met you here --you greeted me with a comment-- TWO YEARS AGO! Can ya believe it!!!

    Love ya.

  6. Shadow this is so timely for me. I talked about this exact thing on one of my blogs today. always find wisdom here, I hope you are well. take care.

  7. keep it close enough you can look back enough not to repeat it...smiles. great pic!

  8. Who needs more words to be given such a wise message, my dear Shadow?

  9. Good advice. I have to keep a part of my past packed away and not let it take up space in a current file, but it is available when I need the reminder of how friggin far I have come and it has been hard work too.

  10. A beautiful saying, Shadow. I try not to forget any parts of my past, but sadly we are human and remember very little unless we are reminded constantly.

    I believe our pasts are an important part of us, because without a past we will never remember our successes or failures if all is forgotten.

    If all is forgotten, we are nothing but empty shells waiting for our untimely ends. That is what I believe.

    Write on!

  11. We need to move past the past, but not negate it.

  12. Funny and very nice pickture - Me like ...

  13. sometimes a most difficult thing, so much pain and recriminations to overcome...

  14. Beautiful. Love the title, the picture, the quote...

  15. Unfortunately the past has been smacking me around quite a bit lately. Not the stuff I did -- the stuff I didn't do.

  16. Amen my girl....amen to that. Forgive yourself first for not being all those things the social paradigm said was right....first for the release and second because it was delusion anyway. Do not forget for it is forgetting which caused your absorbtion into the paradigm to begin with. We all know what feels right....even when we're little....but we cannot easily buck the family paradigms which prepare us for our social world......whether inclusive or exclusive.

  17. Wonderful idea and painting thanks !

  18. Nice Shadow. I like the photo too.

  19. Wow. yes. This really speaks to me. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  20. a few wrds bt still sich a depth......marvelous post by you

  21. Great photo! The key is to understand that we can not hope for a better past. The past is what it is. What we do with the lessons we learn is what creates this moment.

  22. i think i left a comment already but not sure. Thanks for the constant feedback, you don't know how much i appreciate it.

    Doug Baltz
    Blue Pueblo

  23. Wise words. Sometimes we all want to just forget our pasts and move on. But we can't REALLY move on if we try to shut out, regret, or hate our pasts. Then the past will just continue to haunt. It is about accepting it and moving forth with the lesson.

    I always enjoy reading your insightful posts.

  24. You are so so clever. Looking through your comments in here, everybody takes your wise words and fits them to their own experience and understanding. Thanks for sharing your talent.

  25. In times of sorrow and pain, memories, paintings and photographs of yesterday,bring such comfort and joy. Be at peace with yesterday for we are fully made from all these memories, good and bad.

  26. hmm. very wise, Verena. Now how to hold it in balance. I miss you, dear friend. went to your food blog. JUNE 21!! what?? do you want me to starve or what?? I love you honey. hope Beaner and sleep buddy doin well
    take care~rick

  27. We can't forget the past, only move on and keep it in the back pocket of mind...
    I've really enjoyed my look through your posts. You write beautifully.:)
