Friday, November 7, 2014

In the Silence

picture credit:

Come and sit here in the silence
of the waves that crash around us,
that spray salty tears in bursts of boldness,
drawing secrets from your lips.
All the while the seagulls sing of sorrow,
feed on every word revealed,
then fade towards the darkened realm
to discard your cold distress.
Come and sit here in the silence
of the gently lapping waves,
savour the emptiness of your soul,
let me fill you with love, your own.


  1. I would like to wish you an early very HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY since (according to my wife) I am getting older and more decrepit by the second and might forget to wish you a very HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY on Sunday. So, I hope you have a very HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

    1. Hey Jerry, thank you very much for the birthday wishes. My brother-in-law shares my birthday, so the two of us, with 'approved' family and friends *grin* will be out on the town on Saturday night, right into our birthday, cool plan, don'tcha think?

  2. I have looked and found that the vessel holding my love be as empty as the soul sitting in the surf, high tide is something worthy of anticipation.

  3. the use of the seagulls as the carriers of our distress to the otherworld is very cool and fresh...their call would def fit that role....

    and hey evidently it is near your birthday so....

    happy happy happy birthday
    happy happy happy birthday
    happy happy happy birthday
    2 u 2 u 2 u

  4. I love the closing line - filling a person with their own love. Oh and I see above that someone has a birthday on the way??? :)

  5. Sh. I am not saying anything. I am sitting her in silence taken away by your words.

  6. Yes indeed!! I'm there in that same reverie each time I'm at the shore listening and hearing the 'sounds of silence within my soul'. You captured Anni at her best in this one Ms. V!!!

  7. I waited for the comment visible after approval notice I read above my comment box here...'the walking man's" words are pretty darned good too.

  8. As I began to read your work a melody came with it (sigh). Interesting. If I may - happy birthday wishes from me! dc

  9. another great one from you. i think silence is a void we can fill however we wish...stillness and silence, perhaps are much like emptiness, awaiting something to happen...something to fill that space.

  10. Evocative piece, Shadow!

    Happy Birthday to you...for Sunday. :)

    1. Thanks Eaton, starting tonight right into our birthday

  11. This sounds like freedom to me. How I wish for more moments like the one you wrote.
