Saturday, June 20, 2020
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
I pray
I passed a vagrant, a wanderer, this afternoon,
who took off his hat and dropped
his walking stick,
sank down on his knees before my pup,
slowly reached out and held his
hand for her to sniff
cooing gentle words to her, seemingly
oblivious of my presence,
focussing on her soft coat,
wagging tail and gentle eyes,
and I could feel his need for a
hug, for warmth, softness,
emanating right through me, a wave
of such sadness
and longing, for love, of loss, of
what is…
A pup can feel the need for touch,
freely give a hug
while comforting an aching soul,
how is it that humans have lost
that compassion for one another?
My heart aches for this world, for
the lonely, fear-filled people,
for those without hope, of which
there are many,
for those without a tomorrow,
there are more and more each day,
for those who don’t have anyone to
turn to, who do not understand,
and I pray God gives them comfort
in His own special way.