Wednesday, December 30, 2009

an angel's breath

breathe the breath that angels share
on balmy summer nights
as they dance through silver fronds
while chasing pure delights

and feel their touch as they enlace
their magic through your mind
to softly falling water drops
that open your eyes blind

to rainbows in the glowing dark
of streetlights that you guide
through a world of wonder filled
with joy that grows inside

they touch the ones whose hearts allow
the mysteries in their soul
and fill with glee the seeking hearts
that through the moonlight stroll


  1. "they touch the ones whose hearts allow"

    That is one powerful truth Shadow. Thank you for sharing dear one! You are truly special!

  2. they touch. Beautifully written. This jump started my day.

  3. That was filled with oxygen, it was so refreshing, it wakes me up, I'll check the sunrise now!


  4. I love that, only a certain few are touched by the fairy world. I'm happy you are! I think they pick people who will write about them in such so nicely. Lovely lovely.

  5. A lovely poem about angels Shadow. A timely thought for this part of the year.
    Blessings, Star

  6. "allow the mysteries in their soul" Love that!

  7. Moonlight strolls certainly bring glee to my heart . Have a wonderful, inspiring 2010 Shadow, I'm so glad to have found your beautiful sketchbook x

  8. breathing...feeling...touching...loving your verse.

  9. i couldn't stop reading this, so poetic. i like the way you take the time to be a child (angel in this case), feeling, loving, breathing, letting loose and enjoying...

    warm smiles,

  10. Thank you for sharing this beautiful and powerful poem with me, today. I needed it.
    Blessings, andrea

  11. I am there with the angels right now - breathing their breath.



  12. Angels do creep in everywhere - if you let them! :)

  13. I remember such and angel .. on such a night .. and the shared breath.

    Thank you, for that. A memory that has been too long untouched has now been revivified, re-remembered and refreshed.

    And it's refreshing.

  14. I never turn down an opportunity to dance with angels. ;-)

  15. This is a great way to ring in the new year.

  16. You know every day when I come here, it is like I have come to a better place. Love your emotions, words. You are very special.

  17. So delicious, those balmy summer nights... Lovely to remember them on this chilly winter day. May the angels surround you, Shadow...

  18. i was just thinking -
    when i stand on the ground here with my head held high and arms stretched toward the sky i am upside down to those who are doing the same in the southern hemisphere... and vice versa - if we could see each other as we stand Shadow, we'd see the bottoms of each other's feet :)
    Let's go barefoot on opposite sides of the world together!

  19. With regard to your post,
    this filling with glee is such a magical thing -
    it is a heart touching thing you've done shadow...
    glowing rainbows - worlds of wonder

    lovely lovely

  20. Shadow this is soooo beautiful! I particularly love the first line of the last stanza: "they touch the ones whose hearts allow"

  21. I love how the poem starts, an invitation to be one with the angels. Lovely, inspiring.

  22. Sweet and colourful melody to the soul...

  23. Great shadow.....n your expression way is awesome..


  24. I love this one, as you know i believe in Angels

  25. This just fills me with happiness. Thank you.

  26. Photograph and verses match perfectly. Happy New Year.

  27. Yes! The angels will come around if you let them...

  28. I have been reading this since long. Keep up the great work!!!

  29. It is certainly interesting for me to read that blog. Thanx for it. I like such themes and anything connected to them. I would like to read more on that blog soon.

  30. Shadow i can't wait to show you what a winter angels breath would do to your fountain... come to my blog to check it out.... It will be up very soon.....


    your your blog

  31. I did as you asked and the pure delight flowed through me, chilling me on this cold winter night.

    But as I did, I stiffened and could not feel fingers or even open my eyes, the magic had wildly taken my sight.

    It was pure and had a neon blue glow that filled all my senses causing my heart to shout its joy and solved most of the mysteries that came out that night.

  32. The opening reminds me of a song by Emitt Rhodes called "Lullaby":

    Tears that angels cry/ they darken all the sky/ when the one you love says goodbye/ tears that angels cry

    Sing a lullaby/ sing it soft and only sigh/ when the one you love says goodbye/ sing a lullaby.

  33. Your words shadow your words!

    they're all in one

    they're medicine that cures

    they're your love that heals

    and in them you list ingredients

    in them your clearly define

    you freely give the instructions

    and the reasons your loving way


    lovely words work when light cast

    you're shadow!

  34. I hope there are many of those angels around.

  35. Happy Almost New year!!!! I love going to your blog and seeing the new writings...!

  36. Tender piece. Awesome as ever. Blessings for a fantastic 2010.

  37. Oh, love this, Shadow!!! Very very very nice. And timely optimism, I must say! I'm smiling...


  38. So beautiful, and they dance everywhere ... even on places where I hurt. It's always better after that.

  39. Shadow, it has been an honor to read your blog throughout this year and I look forward to next year and many more as your poetry is filled with such outstanding and amazing emotions, pictures and brilliance.

    thank you from my heart

  40. again a beautiful one......
    everything is just so vivid.....

  41. ah! such pure beauty and hope in this lovely poem. Every poem of yours as I read comes out wonderfully , keep writing !!!best wishes
