Sunday, February 26, 2017

Every thing is a choice

picture source:\

Every thing is a choice, to accept or decline, to remember or forget.  
It is our choice to feed the line or to wander through silent forests, it’s our decision to follow the expected purpose of your forefathers, to accept their ways to be the one, the correct one, to follow.  
It is our choice to accept their words, to open ourselves to their knowledge and heed their warnings, but it is up to only us to decide how to integrate these with our innate being so we can still release the spirit of our creativity, intuition and magic and to live these possibilities, show others there are different ways to traverse these shores.  
Who knows, you may inspire someone to also fly free to their dreams the way you do.


  1. so well penned! it is so true, we can heal ourselves. This image is mind blowing and prompts me to travel in such a place!

  2. Life is a series of choices. We create the journey with each choice.

  3. A valuable part of this message - "you may inspire someone to also fly free to their dreams the way you do."
