Thursday, March 15, 2018

Daydreams and Wishes

I look across the rolling silver-blue expanse of the ocean melting into the clouds,
feel raindrops, the finest mist, touching my skin, fresh air and the smoke of a wood fire mingle
and it’s now I need you the most.
I wish to hold your hand and breathe you in,
I wish to know your scent, your touch, your presence.
I wish to know your patterns and routines, I wish to expect your unexpected,
I wish to hold a collection of your secret delights and pull them out of my hat when you feel a little down,
I want to chase you through warm waves in golden sunshine, roll with you on yellow leaves falling like confetti, I want to spend long, dark nights in front of a fire with you and greet the new green growing with our love intense and bold.
I want to know your thoughts, your feelings, your treasures and frivolities, I want to share your dreams, desires, disappointments and triumphs, I want to know where you’ve been and where you are going, I want to know where you’ve been hurt, what you are struggling with, from where you derive your strength, I want to know what makes you cry, both from joy and from pain.
I want to know your body, I want to touch each scar, every line on your face, I want to feel your hair between my fingers, I want to feel the muscles on your back when you move, I want to be the focus
of your unbroken desire, and on a day such as today, be locked in your arms, needing no one but each other, to get lost in time…


  1. Ahhhh! This is lovely.
    Intense wanting but not the desperate, hopeless kind. This is different. Beautiful.

  2. In all that is expressed herein Shadow what truly comes forth is a wondrous and great knowledge of your own being.

  3. Lovely words of love. Wanting...needing...(with every breath)
    Anna :o]

  4. hello shadow its dennis the vizsla dog oooh hay wow a hat!!! i hav got a hat!!! but umm it has not got all that kind of stuf in it maybe it is deefektiv??? ok bye

  5. One can feel the desire, the longing of love.
