Monday, June 1, 2009

the suitcase II

The road behind stretches,
up ahead she sees tomorrow.
She’s on her way
to heaven or hell,
to return at a quarter to never.
All she has is an old brown suitcase
and dreams building in her mind.
The purring engine a melody sweet,
while the white flashing line
induces a peaceful hypnotic haze.
The tremors in her hands slowly subside
as she breathes in freedom
and breathes out relief.
She leaves behind the cityscape,
passes grasslands and wheat fields tall,
towards a valley
and over a mountain
before she comes to a halt.
A country cottage
with ‘rooms for rent’
sees her stretching the kinks out her neck.
Tended green lawns
surrounded by pines
refresh her tired eyes.
She turns, a slow full circle,
drinking in the sights and sounds.
In the distance through the trees
dark blue breakers tumble playfully,
easing the echoes in her head,
as the waft of salt
the scent of green
tickle her nose and her senses.
And at her back
tall mountain tops
stand guard
as the sun ever so slowly sets…


  1. I really do not know the right words to say on the Suitcase 11, I could write a book. ( I wish )ha ha.

    The road behind stretches,
    up ahead she sees tomorrow.
    She’s on her way
    to heaven or hell,
    to return at a quarter to never.

    very strong emotions here, I read putting the past behind, moving on, letting go, to start a new life, never going back, letting GO,feeling safe.

    How wonderful you write. :} this would make a great movie.

  2. " A quarter to never" that, I do.

    As always, I think I'm beginning to sound like a broken record...but, your work continues to amaze me.

  3. Hi Shadow,

    I loved my weekend retreat, every second of it.

    But - at the same time, I'm glad to be back and able to read this beautiful piece.

    It certainly speaks to me. Well over 30 years ago when my first husband and I moved from D.C. to Florida, I wrote a poem on the Auto Train as we came South. It was "Night Train to a New Life".
    Your "the suitcase II" reminds me of it. Thank you.


  4. "to return at quarter to never", that, my dear, is an awesome line.

  5. "to return at a quarter to never.."

    My favorite :)

  6. the imagery, sounds brought to life, you have really put me there!!!

    i love this one dear Shadow!

  7. Thanks for posting such a great piece that has so much imagery. I agree with the "quarter to never"--great phrase.

  8. i've so wanted to do this for a long time...
    it's my biggest dream...

  9. truly there is a lot of living goes on between the breakers and the mountains -
    this is lovely shadow

  10. Oh I do love the feelings this poem engendered in me!

  11. WOW--I love this. Inky stole my thoughts....

  12. Shadow, I would have traveled on with her if she would have gone farther. Brilliantly told, as always!

  13. The crock of gold at the end of the rainbow....somewhere we all want to be.
    Excellent word usage.
    Blessings, Star

  14. I could really relate to this post. Escaping was something I did eight years ago and never looked back.

  15. neat...

    if you can, try to find 'river road' by sylvia tyson... great 'suitcase' song :)

  16. Sounds like Shangri-La. I'll take a room.

  17. You did an absolutely magnificent job of slowly changing the tone from the beginning to the end.

  18. sounds like a beautiful retreat...heaven on earth.

  19. From one extreme to the other in her setting; yet she still carries with her, herself...

    You write as if it were easy. :)
    Maybe hopeful is a better word.

  20. I wanna be her :)
    Thanks, Shadow :D

  21. show us how writing
    should look on the pages.

    Loved your comment: ..."i've never wondered if i should blog or not. some things just feel right..."

    And THAT is the TRUTH, the bottom line!

  22. Shadow, really, I think this is one of your best ever. I hope you know how much pleasure your talent brings to your readers. ;-)

  23. Shadoooooo..oooooow,
    Hey ....this outta be to music...

    Whatta fine tune it would make and the opening would be a helluva chorus!!!!!

  24. I can see the lady driving along. I can see where she ends up but like a good poem the why is up to me.

  25. Shads-Kay said what I was gonna say. Bad Kay!! I'm really being pulled into this adventure. I'm also surprised at the comments. Can't end here though, can it?
    can if be both heaven and hell? is there really a choice? have me wondering. Wonderful thought provoking stuff, you master of words! ~rick

  26. sounds like my mood of yesterday...

  27. Beautiful poem and so full of imagery, too.

  28. I can see such so clearly and leaves me with a calm within.

  29. It is a well described place of sanctuary, a good place to regain energy for the journey ahead.

  30. Shadow, your a vessel of inspiration!
    Keep it comming... can't wait for the suitcase III :)

  31. "And at her back
    tall mountain tops
    stand guard"

    I read this and thought of my partner, Mike. He is like my shield from anything bad in the world.

  32. I'm telling you Shadow. I think it's been three days with me standing at that corner waiting for you. I'm the one with the dirty jeans and the bandaged suitcase. PICK ME UP!

  33. You took my breath away, Whew great poem
