Sunday, October 25, 2009

in the divide

on the edge of a cusp between dark and light,
prevailing allure, this singular might,
breathe in the silence of oceans refrain,
whispering words, a hypnotic quatrain.

as the sun and the moon ride the earth astride,
perfectly balanced in the divide,
the centre that’s constant and defrays
plunging darkness and scorching rays.


  1. Most excellent Shadow! Thank you. Blessings!

  2. I could stand the heat and coolness found in this, standing in the midst of the verse break. I can always turn the cold side to the light and warm it through. And when your words have me properly cooked we can add some season and I will be complete, ready to be the tables centerpiece.

  3. "as the sun and the moon ride the earth astride"... love that. I want to be there *Hugs*

  4. Inside your mind resides a wonderful world.
    Be blessed*

  5. ocean's refrain...I so love that

    This again, is most excellent. Each day you outdo yourself, if that's at all possible.

  6. The Sun and the Moon love each other, but rarely meet. When they do, the meeting is so brief that they cry.

  7. I was paralyzed by the picture. And the words: Shadow, you always manage to find the perfect words to go with the pictures.

  8. I can feel the ocean's pull in the photo and your words are a soothing reminder of the balanced connection between sun and moon and earth.

  9. I qite agree, light and dark are in perfect balance at the cusp of day and night - a miracle that is taking place somewhere on the Earth's surface every single second...
    Awesome thought...

  10. a tentative balance, constantly pulled one way or th next...yet beutifully put shadow.

  11. the pic and the poem are really effective the images u use are awesome

  12. Creativity is your middle name, and creativity is certainly your game.

  13. I feel like I was at that beach, reading you.

  14. as the sun and the moon ride the earth astride,
    perfectly balanced in the divide,


  15. Beautiful.
    I love how your thoughts flow together.

  16. This is a line that's not easy to find, let alone hold.

  17. Graphical words knit into and woven into sentences to form a poetic structure. That's what I'd say about this one.

    By the way, the pic. is awesome.

  18. beautiful . i went there by your words now .

  19. A beautiful blend of the physical world and some other dimension, felt but not seen.

  20. Breathe in the silence of oceans
    refrain. I find this entire poem
    of yours Shadow soothing and

  21. your words make me dream. such beautiful writing Shadow!

  22. Your words so surely depict that moment between night and day, when even the sun seems to hold its breath, before the curtain rises, in sequential seconds, and we time it all to be so perfect!

    I've experienced many of these moments, and never had the words for them. Thank you Shadow.

    BTW, my Guardian Angel "Flex" has changed his name (with my help) to SHADOW. If you have even the slightest objection, he will use another name.

    But he IS there like my shadow, and has seen me through many dangerous moments the past few years.

    Peace...and love, too!

  23. balanced? What's that...I had to read this many times over and still... was left with questions, my final answer, huh? what's balanced? (answer a question with a question, no less) :)

  24. Thought provoking reflections of the miracles of everyday! I love it. Hey, mines the 23rd...when's yours?

  25. Shadow, Do you write the words and search for the photo? Or is it the opposite? I write and then search. But you have so many posts with a perfect blend of the two that I believe you may allow the photo to disturb your muse.Your posts live inside us which is what art is for, I believe. Love, Kathy

  26. It leads me to think that I'm in the spiritual world.

  27. I enjoyed reading this one, I sometimes feel like I'm standing on the edge of things, never sure which way I should fall.

  28. I just have ti leave o comment... A beautiful blog you have!
    Tone (from Norway)

  29. opposities attract, compliment each other ...

    beautifully done.

    i'm checking back, looking for your 55 from Friday...


  30. Shadow, how beautiful. I have been absent from the blogosphere for the past several weeks. I've been seeking the balance you are talking about in this poem!! Also, you have received an award from me...I just noticed today you weren't on my list but you were meant to be for the One Lovely Blog Award - you have been added today.

  31. slow-slow... quick,quick... slow

    love it! :)

  32. I love the contrast and opposites in this one.

  33. Beautiful. And isn't that what we are striving for, some balance between dark & light and be able to see the beauty in both.

  34. I often image myself "in between" that place of having been and seeing what comes. As always sweet friend, Beautiful! (Hugs)Indigo

  35. Shadow-I read your silence piece first, but it was here where I thought of perfect silence with just a gentle hush. yes, the sun and moon astride. Lovely harmony~rick

  36. As your poem is perfectly balanced as well. Shit, you wrote that one well!

  37. a wonderful picture you have created through your words...elegant !

  38. It really is all about balance, isn't it? Very lovely, Shadow!

  39. I love the impact that your poems have...

