Wednesday, April 22, 2015

When Time Stands Still

Time slows imperceptibly,
minutes merge with impurity,

‘til the sun sets at noon
and your days are as dark
as the nights are silent,
and you’re motionless
in a breathless void

where your spirit can’t fly
with the breeze.


  1. The picture certainly is from another era where time looks like it stood still... I have had those moments in my life... interesting poem and thought xox

  2. Hi, cat here, found you via Mark Walking Man ... and am glad I did ... as your blog is a true gem ... Love, cat.

  3. Lovely vintage photo! ~ Love the red stools. Poem is very expressive and how many of us feel at times ~ key for me is to 'not get stuck in that deep pothole' ~ not always easy ~

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  4. "...Ages have passed
    Or maybe a moment froze
    All is one when time sleeps

    Suddenly, something looks around

    Nothing remained of me but dissolved darkness
    Now, Light weaves itself in intensely fine threads
    Patching up torn consciousness with masterly needlework-
    The first seed of self, finding form to begin a fresh cycle of chaos
    After an interval of soundless serenity beyond remembrance..."

    Time is such a thrilling concept, with so many possibilities to explore!
    Your writing is beautiful, as always. :)

  5. There's something a little unsettling here. Dark, thought provoking, worrying.Good though!

  6. Mercifully, time has been racing past to me. Of course, if our circumstances greatly improved, I would want it crawling by.

  7. It will be like choking the soul but still the silence of night has a calming effect.

  8. I don't think I want to be there!
    See you at the wine bar instead ~ your round . . . :) x
