Saturday, November 28, 2015

"We're only human"

picture source:

Punish me for my scandalous ways, punish me for my indiscretions,
hold me accountable for every wilful act committed knowing the destruction I will face when I reach the end,
and do not reserve your judgment to me alone, face the judgment of your indiscretions, too.


  1. ''do not reserve your judgment to me alone, face the judgment of your indiscretions, too.'' WORD.

  2. The very antithesis of "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." I'm not big on never put a broken plate back together again, not once.

  3. Gladly I will face my life and if I need a spanking for it, and you happen to find yourself in the same position, fuck it you give me mine and I'll return the favor and we'll walk away clean and pure of heart, mind and spirit.

  4. hello shadow its dennis the vizsla dog hay dada sez that pikcher luks like michael jackson meets godzilla!!! altho i did not no godzilla wore shooz!!! i wood hayt to fayse the judgment of my indiskreshuns konsidering mow mutch furnitcher i may or may not hav destroyd in my time!!! ok bye

  5. Judge not unless you wish to be judged..someday we will all stand at the gate..who knows what will be our fate in the end.
