Friday, November 15, 2019

[of you]

It’s empty, where you used to lie,
cold, where you used to touch me,
hollow, the songs which meant so much
to you and me,
dusk is falling in showy colours,
soon it will be dark,
and I will be alone
with my memories
[of you]


  1. Boo! and bugga bugga. For a while my touch was cold and stroking only the silence of a past with nothing much left to caress. I do hope you are well.

  2. Wishing you happy holidays Shadow. Hope you are well and that your new year is wonderful.

  3. Lulu: "This is how I feel when Mama has been gone for five minutes."
    Charlee: "This is how I feel when Dada has been gone for ten minutes."
    Chaplin: "This is how I feel about food."

  4. Missing someone we still love is a painful thing. You have captured it beautifully here Shadow.
