Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Mask

picture credit: http://www.deviantart.com/art/handcuffs-123884835

The handcuffs slip into place,
and I walk through the corridors of my mind,
closing the doors to freedom of self,
locking the door to my restless spirit,
then tuning my thoughts to those wished by others for me,
hide the soul and the life-force that’s coursing through my veins
and is rebelling against the chains of restrictions and convention
but is unable to tear free from a captor of unknown description.
My heartbeat is slow, my limbs have slipped into the pointless pose of submission
that as the mask of quiet demeanour slips into place,
my eyes are dull, my lips utter automated responses
in this script of captivity and death.


  1. Always adore your creative photography and words ~ thanks, ^_^

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  2. yikes....def note where i want to be...comfortably numb...and dull...
    devoid of life...but that is def what trapped will get you.

  3. You just cannot be chained - you need to be free - go get the key and be alive again!
    Loved it, as I love them all ~ Eddie

  4. This world is meant to be a prison of sorts, but it will be as it should be in the end--be assured.

  5. I feel like this tonight. I am going through the motions of my life thinking this staleness will never end. Nobody knows and I am not sharing.

  6. This brief piece speaks to me more about LIFE than death, Shadow.

    P.S. Just clicked on your "food" blog, saw that you posted July 26...how could that be? It is only July 9. THEN I see the year 2011--do you still cook?

  7. You should never allow your thoughts to be chained....Break the fetters.....
    Beautiful piece....

  8. We are all chained by something or someone--but I think it's good to minimize the bondage as much as possible.
