Wednesday, September 9, 2015

my story

picture source:

The touch of the moon scribbles over my dreams with a restless passion that pulls me into the silence of the night.
I’m compelled to heed the urgency of this call, this yearning into his darkness where tomorrow is in the palm of my hand, and I can feel his bidding like braille on my skin, impressing upon me the map of infinity where sanity and madness merges with the howling wolf, and I can run with the pack on an empty stretch of forever before I burn up in this darkness, lined with picture I would otherwise never get to see.


  1. ... and that's just exactly it, my fairy shadow ... we'd never see that (sweet) picture ... hmmm? ... u understand? ... Love, cat.

  2. I can feel his bidding like Braille on my skin...ha so evocative. Sane with that map blending sanity and madness. I think that field sounds more free but I guess it is all in what your nature is.

  3. Beautiful visuals in this one - feeling something like braille on your skin. That ine blew me away, Shadow.

  4. You are an amazing writer. You get through me every single time!
    Thank you for your wishes, I believe tomorrow I will be on my feet again!!

  5. Moon is an enchanting lover, he cam mesmerise anyone.................

  6. ''I can run with the pack on an empty stretch of forever''
