Thursday, October 25, 2012

Hallucinations of a hollow mind

picture credit;

Nerves rustle through the mind like rats through the undergrowth
of insanity, desperate to claw their way into the chambers of logic,
to find a foothold on the fragile rungs of newly captured knowledge,
while patiently waiting for their weight to snap the thread of reason
that holds the hallucinations of a hollow mind at bay…

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Through the Rabbit Hole

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I’ll gladly follow the bouncing white rabbit
through hedges grown high
and openings grown closed,
deep, deep, deeper into the maze
to where the sunlight turns a misty grey
and the moonlight paints me into a luminous puppet,
controlled by fantasy and sheer indulgence.
An impish reflection dances through ferns,
splashes through cola brooks
and dances with kangaroos
through the scent of sweet  blossoms
that open the door to wonder,
transforming the chaos of a rambling mind
into a playground carousel of magical sounds
and lights…
free from restriction, free from restraint,
free from our neighbours bounds;
and delight instead in the tea of laughter
with the joker, our host for the night…

Monday, October 22, 2012

Tortured Dreams

picture credit:

And the darkness stead’ly marches through the distance, coming near,
bringing in its claws the madness of the despot who craves fear,
one who feeds on blood-red tears shed by cowering broken men,
broken by the bonds of heartache so entrenched they cannot fend
off the nightmares of the days long gone, playing in their mind,
seeking dogged retribution from a fiend they cannot find,
for the darkness takes their man, without question, without thought
to the one who’s left abandoned, tortured dreams their new cohort.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Visions of the Past

picture credit:

Even when the world’s imploding
and all avenues seems blocked,
when each friendly hand seems tainted
by the knowledge that is locked,
in instinctive base reactions
programmed in your darker days,
that you need to stop and wonder
if you see true through this haze;
that may mask the real depiction
of that which is ‘fore your eyes,
can you benefit the sinner,
cut the truth from latent lies?

Friday, October 12, 2012

55 - Forever you

picture credit:

I wish I could, for one last time,
hold you near and hear the rhyme
your breath of love leaves on my skin,
and feel the trust you have within,
for me to be the one you chose
to spend your time with, ‘til it slows,
I whisper my devotion true,
‘Today, tomorrow, forever, you.’

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Dark is the Night

picture credit:

You came to me in my dreams last night,
you sat on my lap and you closed your eyes,
it was 3.33 when with tears I awoke,
no night is as dark ’s when the heart is broke.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Piece of my Heart

We have a little Levi, a 6-year old African Grey Parrot, who, against all odds (for what do you know, I didn't believe myself to be a bird-person) has crept real deep into my heart.  Levi has now been sick for 7 weeks, and between building stress at home and this very nasty virus, he has not been getting better.  He's gone to hospital today, to stay for a few days, to be fed as he's so dehydrated and weak, and hopefully turn this whole thing around... Please keep him in your thoughts... this hurts...

It is in the gusting breeze
under dust-filled hazy skies,
in the fever pitch of chaos
that all sanity defies,
that a menacing cold darkness
a long shadow now imparts,
bringing home the fear of losing
a piece of this breaking heart.

It’s the hounds of hell that wrote,
down my spine in blood that’s red,
with their nails a word of warning
as towards me they have sped...
Now I pray my tears of love
wash away their cold intent,
'cause I can't release this piece,
that the Gods to me have lent.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Sins of our Fathers

picture credit:

From the day we are born
our innocence’s replaced,
by the sins of our fathers,
which we lived and retraced,
on a path of learned experience
we accepted as the norm,
as we’re moulded none too gently,
without realizing the harm.

And we touch each other daily
with the wounds that deeply bleed,
sometimes hear a warning echo,
yet continue without heed,
in the perfect life we've woven
with the thread of deep denial,
all the time the heap gets bigger,
as the guilt we now stockpile.

Yet the circle needn't close,
you can write an ending new,
treat the demons to a gathering
with the truth to them undo,
lest you wonder in the dark hours
of a moonless night alone,
why the children joined the circle,
for the sins that we now own.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

In the arms of a Willow Tree

picture credit:

Last night I was summoned by the waving arms of the willow tree,
the one that stands at the rivers edge, bathed in the setting sun.
It was their branches that reached out, swirling through the star-drenched waters
to murmuring angels, before opening the door to a realm far beyond.
My bare feet walked the dewy paths of moss the brightest green,
butterfly wings brushed against my cheeks and the breeze swirled through the air
in colourful tails. And that is how I became that carefree child,
filled with curious and exciting ways.  Or was it the air, sweetened with nectar,
or the dusting of silver on my naked skin in the moonlight
that opened the gateway to a freedom few experience,
to a realization only some acknowledge,
that the passing of days is indeed a liberation
of the senses that know more than the mind.