Thursday, September 4, 2014


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Restless creeps through my bones with stealth and sharp nails, rippling a path of discomfort I rub off on you, and my jaw is clenched, my muscles keep flexing, I pace through the house with an edge that pushes you away and I can retreat into my inner silence that will give me room to breathe...


  1. You have captured madness perfectly here Shadow. Amazing as always.

  2. does it really give room to breathe...retreating inside...
    or is it a false feeling....there is a time for solitude...
    as long as it doesnt spill over to alone...

  3. That poor eye . . . .

    Madness is a terrifying thing . . . . . I think it better to think positive but not always easy to do . . .

  4. In chaos the inner silence is all we have.

  5. Even with their similarities, there IS a difference between
    Solitude, Loneliness, and Isolation. That THIRD one is
    SO common with US kind of Peeps.
    Beware, or better...BE AWARE :-)

  6. Temptations and will power!! This is what I read in your work today. Excellent visual you have in your work [always]

  7. On days when I find myself oozing with anger or fear, I too must enter deeper into my own sacred inner world… there I am protected and so are the ones I love. This is how I understand your poem. Not a retreat into loneliness, but a place of safety.

  8. hello shadow its dennis the vizsla dog hay this is sort of wot i do wen my medisin wares off in the middel of the nite and i wayk up nervus and ankshus!!! wel i meen eksept that i jump on the bed and lik mama and dada wel mostly mama on the fayse until she wayks up and givs me another wun of my meds but stil saym ideea mostly!!! ok bye

  9. Amazing ability to always render me speechless with your writing :-)

  10. Be assured that I know the feeling all too painfully well, and you did a masterful job of describing when a wave of madness (in every sense of the word) washes over a person from time to time. Thankfully, my episodes do not last as long as they used to, but I could sure do without them completely.
