Feel the deep hush as the breeze breathes its final breath into the darkening sky, and hear the sweet notes as songbirds sing their lullabies to slowly awakening stars. Then sink in the velvet of the red moon rising, touching the world with a glow, that turns the days dust to a magical sprinkle that leads you to dreamlands on distant, mysterious shores.
Mesmerized I gazed at the image before me, listening to these dreamy words, and I could feel the condensation from the frosty glass, running from my hand, past my wrist, down my arm, like a glistening vein of ice.
To my shock I felt tears, unexpected and unwanted, flowing from my eyes. Eyes that burnt as if touched by the rays of the glaring sun reflecting off the white sands alongside the smooth Mediterranean waters. Unblinking I stared, immersed in a sadness as endless as the ocean, that streamed round her body as she dove into welcoming azure arms that stroked, caressed and cooled.
And it felt like the fingers that plucked the notes from that soulful guitar were tweaking at the very core of my heart, touching deep corners carefully hidden away, lest they result in tears of regret, tears that flowed right now, for that, which never will be…
picture: http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=white%20beaches&order=9&offset=24#/du0lta
As I stood at this door I heard the rumble of distant storms and threats, while I delved in the darkness and reveled in thoughts without a glimmer of that promised sunrise. Even time seemed to slip through my fingers untouched, without hope, without change, it was dust.
Yet even a rock must yield in time, to the pounding of the waves, submit to the waters that wash and cleanse, become pliable in its ways. One full moon passed and then another, and still in the air I could hear the tune of those silent murmurs that soothed; ever-present, while turning the key.
Now before me lies a glimmering sky and its gift-wrapped the world in pure gold, inviting me in, to test and to taste, and I’m itching to explore. And I daren’t stand and linger on this threshold, what surprises are passing me by? What treasures are out there just waiting for me to uncover and unwind? This haven is here, will always be here, invariably I will be back, but now is the time to bid you adieu, its time to re-enter the world…
a deep rolling rumble that echoes through plains
over parched lands that are desperate for rains
touch down not gentle on needy hot flesh
frantically seeking, these strangers enmesh
entranced in the spell of a burning desire
held in control by the conscious umpire
freed as the lightning strikes, rugged and bare
driven by hunger these mingled limbs share
they ride on the winds of a passion that‘s blind
striving to taste all sensations confined
recklessly feeding this storm of impulse
heady release as the senses convulse
and breathless they die in a falling descent
limbs in the throes of their passion now spent
skin still ablaze from the touch of those hands
intimate strangers in separate lands
picture: http://charbee.deviantart.com/art/Walking-Away-25801484
wasteful the moments of tears and regret
time spent in mem’ries that only beget
yesterdays pain without hope of release
stealing from you precious hours of peace
dwelling in darkness to songs that lament
words of your making that echo torment
searching for flickering candles of hope
while through old pictures you fumble and grope
take in your hands those old ashes of time
watch as they pass through your memory’s rhyme
a sweet farewell to an unburdened mind
the fresh pearl of time redesigned
picture: http://iardacil.deviantart.com/art/Ashes-of-Time-105685863
in dreams your past sins come to taunt you and play
a game of deception they won’t in the day
they bleed peaceful skies with their images raw
your weaknesses built in a bloody jigsaw
that leave you disjointed, renewing your debt
these creatures of darkness won’t let you forget
you shudder awake with hot sweat on your brow
from that which was past again dragged to the now
picture: http://jaggu79.deviantart.com/art/NIGHTMARE-110647580
wrap me in your arms of ice and soak into my bones
let me fade in frozen mist as hard and cold as stones
fill me with the silent howl of icy winds that storm
leave behind the black and white that steals my last breath warm
i need to sink into the void, the motionless abyss
i’m waiting here for you to give that final mortal kiss
to transport me into a place of silence that’s devoid
of any touch and any sound, all senses left destroyed
picture: http://316521.deviantart.com/art/Frozen-98706473
discord, distaste, distrust
distance yourself from me
the walls are re-built
with wire barbed sharp
the locks slam on gates without key
and the landscape distorts
in a world thick with mist
as i listen to protest mutely
dispassionate eyes
see the blood on my hands
while i brandish my sword stoically…
in a darkness that soothes
let restoring rays wash
over me ‘til your rage has been spent
i will pass through the gates
once a silence returns
to the land you have touched with torment
picture: http://aphostol.deviantart.com/art/The-wheel-of-time-80433964
one bright dawn came the day that she spread her new wings
from a place safe, protected, where she left many things
to an unknown horizon that her beckoned and called
to a life that was different and open, unwalled
and she travelled to sidewalks where the grey cement bloomed
to a tangle of noise from so many that roomed
on top of the other, with the walls where paint peeled
where a bleakness hung thick, yet to her it appealed
disbelief made him ask, “what are you doing here,
for you sure don’t belong in this pub drinking beer.”
yet she moved little nearer, reaching out to his hand
when she whispered a wish that he wouldn’t withstand
with his eyes overcast he just stared at her zest
then he told her quite frankly, “life here is a test
where the strongest survive, many crumble and fall,
while many just fade in a liquid highball.“
“go back to your life where you get what you want,
where you eat without thought in a smart restaurant.
remain over there, where you know all the rules,
being poor really sucks and the love quickly cools.”
...many years now have passed and he wonders sometimes
what became of the girl with the scent of fresh limes
who embroiled herself sweetly in a life not her own
before leaving one day, just a text on his phone
picture: http://vanso.deviantart.com/art/t-common-people-145901716
it’s the kiss of the gypsy under the moon
with dreams in the wind oh so perfectly hewn
that captures you swiftly, your eyes close, you swoon
to the promise adrift on the tune
and you float on the splendour of gilded wings
feed on pure lust on long purple ev’nings
lap up the nectar of empty nothings
while your soul dances freely through rings
it’s the kiss of the gypsy under the moon
igniting your senses on diamonds laid strewn
you dance with desires on sugar-laced dune
as to pleasures you now are attune
picture: http://kittikins5.deviantart.com/art/A-Gypsy-Queen-s-Dance-18728382
black is the night filled with images stark
red is the pain as it flows from the heart
leaving behind the disfiguring mark of a tortured soul on the edge
desperate to end the unstoppable stream
of venom infused that has seeped in unseen
directing the course to a counterfeit dream that ends at precipitous ledge
please take me hand, let me guide you away
shut out the voice that has led you astray
together we’ll learn the black chants to unsay and free the soul from its chains
that send out shockwaves to the shatt’ring of bonds
feel your soul lift as old ghosts leave, abscond
as to bright light your blind vision responds and you glide to tranquillity, peace...
picture: http://purpleplatapus714.deviantart.com/art/Strong-Bonds-63378580